Warwick couple overwhelmed by support for upcoming fundraiser

Lucy, Evelyn-Mae and Alan Rose. _DIrIIXB-Ka4mvuJ6wVZLucy, Evelyn-Mae and Alan Rose. _DIrIIXB-Ka4mvuJ6wVZ
Lucy, Evelyn-Mae and Alan Rose. _DIrIIXB-Ka4mvuJ6wVZ
A couple from Warwick who are on a fundraising bid to thank hospital staff have been overwhelmed by people's generosity and support.

Lucy and Alan Rose had been trying to have a baby for four years, before their wishes came true.

On May 1 2016 their daughter Evelyn-Mae was born but soon after there were concerns about her health.

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Mrs Rose said: “That first night she didn’t drink any milk and the following day we went to see her and saw her in a cot with a cannula and a feeding tube.

“They were worried that she wouldn’t take any milk and concerned she might have an infection. She was the little girl we were told we wouldn’t have and she was in special care.”

Despite the concerns, Evelyn-Mae and Lucy were able to go home three days later.

Mrs Rose said: “The staff were amazing and they explained everything even when we asked the same question hundreds of times. We say they are our angels.”

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As a thank you, the couple are hosting a fundraiser to help buy a chair bed for the Swan ward so partners can stay at night and to also give money to the Special Care Baby Unit.

Mrs Rose said: “The staff don’t have any idea how much they mean to people. Their equipment is so old and they could do with the money to get new monitors.

“I was in hospital for five nights and I have never been so scared in my whole life and I wanted Alan there. These beds can make that happen.”

Lucy and Alan are holding a coffee, cake and raffle morning at The Harvester in Stratford Road on April 2 and they are aiming to raise at least £2,000.

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The couple have had nearly 80 raffle prizes donated to them by local people and companies and welcome any further donations. So far they have raised £1,390 and the raffle prizes include family days out, shopping and dining vouchers and items such as wine, necklaces and massages.

Mrs Rose said: “Everything is still on track, monkey music, crazy kiln, the mayor of Warwick and Elsa from Frozen will be there.

“I am completely overwhelmed by everyone’s generosity and kindness and I feel confident about hitting our £2,000 target.”

If anyone would like to buy a raffle ticket or donate a raffle prize email [email protected] or message Lucy via facebook https://www.facebook.com/lucy.rose.969952.

Raffle tickets will also be available to purchase at the event at the Harvester in Warwick on April 2. The fundraiser will run from 9.30am to 1pm.

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