Families were dancing in the streets as music, lights and entertainment provided a carnival atmosphere in the town.
Rugby Mayor Simon Ward and Rugby MP John Slinger were guests at the event, organised by Rugby Indian communities with support from Rugby First and Rugby Borough Council.
The mayor said: “The Diwali celebrations were fantastic.
" It was great to see so many people enjoying themselves and there was lots of colour and energy. Thank you to the ladies who were teaching me their traditional dances.”
Cllr Ish Mistry, one of the organisers of the event and deputy leader of Rugby Borough Council, said: "The dancing, singing, drumming, food, lights and colourful procession, with Rangoli chariot and boards, provided a fantastic atmosphere and amazing spectacle in the town centre.
"I would like to say a special thank you to the Indian communities, Rugby First, Rugby Borough Council and all those taking part for their incredible support and bringing the event to life.”
Linda Lowne, Rugby First business director, said: "Rugby has an incredibly diverse community and it is great to see everyone come together to celebrate an event like this, as well as shine a light on the town centre."
Thanks to Mohini Mistry, of MjayArtography Creative Photography, who provided these photographs for the Rugby Advertiser.