What's on where around Rugby: listings, February 4 edition

House newcomers and masters of the mash up, 99 Souls, DJ at the Kasbah in Coventry on Saturday. After combining RnB classics The Boy Is Mine with Destiny’s Child track Girl to create catchy remix The Girl Is Mine - complete with vocals from Brandy – the pair have been creeping their way up the charts, with the track hitting in the UK Top 10. Tickets cost £6 for over 18s only with discounts available for NUS cardholders and also includes entrance to the Tricky Disco club night afterwards. Visit www.kasbahnightclub.com for details.
Mercury Prize-nominated acoustic-electronica act GoGo Penguin play at Warwick Arts Centre on Wednesday February 13. They have performed across Europe and North America in the past year. with their music drawing from many areas of contemporary electronic music, including arcade game bleeps, glitchy breakbeats, grinding basslines and a rumbling low-end. Full-price tickets cost £16. Call 024 7652 4524 or visit http://www.warwickartscentre.co.uk to book or for more information.
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Hide AdOpen mic nights: London Calling, Castle Street, Thursday nights from 8pm. Bring instruments. The programme includes works by Schumann and Brahms. Admission costs £5 at the door. Refreshments available.
Rugby Philharmonic Choir: New members welcome. Telephone 01788 812802.
The Zephyr Band, Rugby: New members welcome. The Zephyr Wind Band has been playing in the community for the last 10 years. The band meets on a Thursday evening during school terms at 7.30pm at the United Reformed Church next to the Recreation Ground Sports Centre, Hillmorton Road. Contact details - Ann on 07790 678737.
Tierra Buena Jazz Band: Ansty Working Men’s Club, meet every Monday evening 8.30pm.
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Hide AdMolière’s rarely performed romantic comedy, The Sisterhood, is on at the Belgrade Theatre, Coventry until Saturday February 20. Tickets are priced from £12 to £27. Call 024 7655 3055 or visit www.belgrade.co.uk to book.
Rugby Theatre presents the gripping Dead Certain from tomorrow (Saturday) to Saturday February 13. Tickets for are available from the Rugby Theatre box office on 01788 541234, or the website, rugbytheatre.co.uk.
The Model Tractor, Plant & Construction Show returns to the Warwickshire Exhibition Centre on Sunday. Visitors will be treated to displays featuring scratch built, customised and converted models, dioramas and machinery including competition entries. Members of the Tamiya Truckin Club will present fantastic live action at the show demonstrating and driving their 1/14 and 1/16 scale radio controlled model trucks and construction vehicles. They will also bring their ‘Tamiya Driving Experience’ that visitors can drive at a cost of £1 for three minutes. Admission for adults/senior citizens £7 on the door or £6 in advance via the website. Children under 14 free when accompanied by a paying adult. Visit www.modeltractorshow.co.uk
Rugby Art Gallery & Museum hosts a range of activities for children from Friday February 12. Visit www.ragm.co.uk for details.
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Hide AdPainting and Drawing Group: Small friendly group. If interested ring Joy on 01788 567457 or David on 01788 823212 for times and venues.
The Craft Studio: Hilltop Farm, Fosseway, Hunningham, CV33 9EL, phone 07890 154852. Arts, crafts, workshops and drop-in sessions for adults and children. Contact the venue for more information.
Rugby Spiritual & Healing Centre meet every Sunday in The Robbins Building, Albert Street, Rugby, at 6.30pm for free demonstrations of mediumship, and hold clairvoyant evenings every Wednesday evening at 7.30pm (£4). Healing available every Thursday between 4pm and 9pm; other events include a weekly open circle – on a Friday at 7.30pm – so people can work on their spiritual selves. Everyone welcome, please call 01788 536899 or visit www.friendsofthespirituallight.co.uk
Regent WI Group meets the first Thursday afternoon in the month at 2pm, in the blue room of the Regent Baptist Church, Regent Street, Rugby. Friendly group who enjoy interesting talks, trips and events. For further information please contact Megan 01788 573380 or Margaret 01788 561798.
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Hide AdRugby Deaf Club meet every Monday evening from 7pm to 9pm (except for bank holidays) at Rugby Fellowship Church, 53 Cymbelline Way, Woodlands, Rugby. Text 07733 360657 or email [email protected] for details.
Rugby Open Code Club: the club meets at 7pm every Wednesday at The Benn Partnership Centre on Railway Terrace. More details can found on the Facebook page (www.facebook.com/rugbyopencodeclub) and via Twitter @RugbyOpenCode. If you have any specific questions please feel free to ask.
Quiz night: every Monday at The Bull Inn, Clifton (one of the finalist pubs in the Rugby Advertiser’s Best Pub Award). 8.30pm start, £1 per person entry. Prize for every team. Rounds may include general knowledge, TV and films, geography, sports and leisure, science and nature, history, famous faces, music, etc. Monday quiz will be entirely focused on 2014, if you fancy putting a team in.
Quiz night: Steam Turbine, Rugby, every Monday from 8.30pm. £1 per person to enter with prizes for 1st, 2nd & 3rd placed teams.
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Hide AdRugby & District Philatelic Society: meetings held at the Percival Guildhouse, St Matthew’s Street, Rugby, alternate Mondays 01788 542467.
Hillmorton United Ladies Group: Paddox Methodist Church, Dunsmore Avenue, Hillmorton. Visitors are welcome to join at a cost of £2. For further details contact Christine on 578724.
Hillmorton and Paddox Townswomen’s Guild: Meet on the first and third Tuesday of every month (except August). Meet at 1.45pm at the community centre in Hillmorton Road. Speakers, days out, tea and chat. Call 01788 573099.
Family quiz night: Second Friday of every month, Nelson Club, Stockton.
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Hide AdBall of Yarn (Rugby): Monday term times - 10am-noon, Tuesday evenings 6.30pm to late Grosvenor Hotel; Wednesday evenings 5pm to late Rugby Hotel; second Saturday of the month 11am to 1pm. For more information please see the Facebook group or call 07970 664187.
Deering’s Daytime’s WI extends a warm welcome to all ladies when we meet on the first Tuesday of the month at 1.30pm. Join us for interesting talks, workshops and outings. We meet in Rogers Hall, Deering Road, Hillmorton, Rugby. Further information from Alison on 01788 547661 or Josephine on 01788 542378.
Hillmorton United Ladies’ Group: Meets the second Thursday of every month (excluding bank holidays) at 7.45pm at Paddox Methodist Church, Dunsmore Avenue, Hillmorton, Rugby – interesting speakers, followed by tea/coffee and biscuits. Please contact Christine for further details on 01788 578714.
Hill Street Youth and Community Centre’s 50+ Club: Second Tuesday of every month, Hill Street community centre, 10.30am to 12.30pm.
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Hide AdThe Rugby Amateur Transmitting Society: Meets every Tuesday evening (8pm to 10.30pm) and Saturday afternoon (2pm to 6pm) at the Scout headquarters, Boughton Leigh Community Junior School, Wetherell Way, Brownsover. For anyone interested in amateur radio and electronics. Contact Steve (G8LYB) 01788 578940.
Royal Naval Association: Rugby branch. Social evening first Friday every month 8pm at the Oakfield Club in Bilton Road. Telephone Frank Redfern for further details on 01788 543062.
Bridge66 Clifton Cruisers: Clifton Wharf, Vicarage Hill, Rugby, call 01788 543570 for next date. It costs £5 per session and is run by Lillian Poultney.
Thank God Cafe Church: Fridays, 6.30pm to 7.20pm, Binley Woods village hall.
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Hide AdRugby On Board: A friendly board games group that meets at the Raglan Arms every Tuesday from 7.30pm.
St Peter’s and St John’s Ladies’ Group: meet the first Monday of every month (excluding bank holidays) at 7.45pm in the church hall – interesting speakers followed by light refreshments – £1 members/£2 non-members. Contact Joyce for further details on 01788 575661.
Rugby and District Canine Society’s Ring Training Classes: Wednesday evenings from 7.30pm at Newbold village hall.
Rugby Fibromyalgia Support Group: Meets at 7pm at The Exchange (the Old Telephone Exchange), Albert Street, Rugby CV21 2SA on the second Thursday of each month (excluding January). Access is from the disability ramp in the car park. Telephone 01788 560406.
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Hide AdCoffee morning and table top sale: Second Saturday of the month, 10.30am to 12.30pm, St George’s church, Community Hall Development Project, St John’s Avenue.
Tierra Buena Jazz Band: Every Monday, 8.30pm, has moved to Ansty Club, Grove Road.
Rugby Retired Teachers’ Association coffee mornings: Last Wednesday of every month. Meetings at Thornfield Indoor Bowls Club, Bruce Williams Way, 10.30am.
Royal Air Forces Association of Rugby monthly meeting: First Tuesday of every month, Ex-Servicemen’s Club, The Green, Hillmorton, 7pm.
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Hide AdFamily quiz night: Second Friday of every month, Nelson Club, Stockton.
Brownsover Art Group: Meet Thursdays, 1pm, Christ Church Centre, Helvellyn Way, Brownsover.
Rugby Floral Society: Rugby United Reformed Church, Hillmorton, meet on the third Thursday of the month 2pm. Telephone 01788 547238.
Dunchurch Photographic Society: Meetings at the Dunchurch WI hall on Southam Road, Dunchurch. For more details go to www.dunchurchps.com
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Hide AdLutterworth Speakers Club can help people increase confidence and overcome the fear of speaking in public. See www.LutterworthSpeakersClub.com
Rugby Ramblers: Sunday February 7, Brinklow 12 and 15 mile walks. Meet at 8.55am, top of Barby Road. Contacts John 01788 332332, Lorna 01788 814732, Chris 01788 334138
Rugby Ramblers: Wednesday February 10, Newbold, 5 miles. Meet at 9.55am, Sainsbury’s Car Park. Contact Wendy 01788 814352
Zumba: Mondays and Wednesdays at 7.30pm at The Harris Sports Centre, Mellish Road, Rugby. Costs £4 per session. Contact Jo on 07817 679311 or email [email protected] for details.
Military Fitness circuits: Indoor and outdoor exercise class in Rugby. See www.militaryfitnesscircuits.co.uk or call 07976 044282.