Buck stops with Parliament

The demonstration of rank expediency by our MP Chris White in these columns last week is surely matched by the idiocy inherent in his comments.

I am neither a supporter or objector to the Shades application that recently came before Warwick District Council. However, I do understand how the procedure to deal with applications for a sexual entertainments licence has to operate.

Chris White, doubtless seeing an opportunity to jump onto a populist bandwagon in an vain attempt to attract votes ready for the 2015 general election, comments he was disappointed with the decision by Warwick District Council and it is a blow for local democracy.

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If everyone just stopped for one minute and turned off the hot air tap, perhaps they would understand why the council allowed the application. The law (that’s made in Parliament by 649 members plus Chris White) states on considering sexual entertainment licences “objections on religious or moral grounds cannot be considered”.

If, as an MP, Chris White does not know this then he should consider his position and if he did know it then his article reaches even greater heights of political expediency. For those objecting, the vast majority of whom did so on religious or moral grounds, the only way their views can ever be effectively heard is by a change in the law and that’s down to Chris White and Parliament.

Thank you Warwick District Council for your decision to allow the licence. You ensured that council taxpayers were not exposed to the costs of what would have been a successful appeal by the applicant and liability for legal expenses that would have surely followed a refusal based on consideration of elements currently prohibited by law.

Don’t pass the buck Mr White when it stops with you. If you are after votes you must try harder.

P. Hunter, Kenilworth Road, Leamington