Build on strengths of Leamington

The Clarendon Arcade proposal comes up for consideration on October 18, and this letter is to ask those responsible to rethink the council’s attitude to the development and reject it.

From the very start we have been presented with a wholly inappropriate plan, on many counts, but including;

• The scale of building makes a mockery of the conservation area status. It seems that the only body able to spoil the atmosphere we are all trying to develop is the very one that sets the rules. Whilst individuals are regulated on rainwater goods, double glazing or redundant chimneys, the council can ignore every guideline.

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• It would dominate the people in the surrounding premises and buildings, riding roughshod over both domestic and commercial occupants whose lives will be adversely affected.

• The town centre is beset by progressively more vacant shops, and everyone agrees that high street trading will suffer further both from the depressed economy and the switch to internet shopping. It is irresponsible of the council to put pressure on existing landlords who themselves are suffering from the retail market changes.

This proposal threatens all, residents and traders alike, with an underused monster that would land in our midst, and that will have a further malevolent influence over the rest of our town centre. It is time that the council abandons this scheme whose genesis dates back decades to a different world, and stops trying to outdo already existing town centres miles away. They should devote their efforts to build upon the strengths of Leamington, taking actions that support variety and the shopping experience itself, those are the features that will draw people away from their screens and home delivery. - Jan Gillett, via email.

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