Don’t let Nimbys cloud judgement

There’s a lot of narrow thinking being aired in relation to HS2. In particular some people seem to think that it has to benefit those who it affects, and others regard it as a capitalist conspiracy.

Let’s be clear, if the country’s economy is to grow we need better communications, for the rail and road systems are pretty much full now, and more so by the 20s according to most forecasters. This may be a capitalist point of view, and it doesn’t address the global warming impact of such economic growth, but so far we have no other way to generate wealth. HS2 is to be preferred to more motorways and road transport.

Secondly, the direct benefits extend to the whole of the UK as well as the Midlands, particularly the North West and Yorkshire. Bringing these areas closer to their markets will indeed impact those close to the routes, but HS2 would be far better than a new motorway to do the same job. We shouldn’t expect to agree only to those things that bring ourselves direct benefit, society has to think wider than this.

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So let’s not allow this debate to degenerate into easy Nimbyism, there is a national picture, and if we allow the few who are adversely affected to dominate the argument the opportunity HS2 represents will be lost. Perhaps they would prefer everyone living in the north to move to new housing around Leamington in order to get close to their markets. - Jan Gillett, Clarendon Square, Leamington.