Gift of His life abounds today
One hundred and seventy-one years ago Charles Dickens wrote the book, A Christmas Carol, to pay a personal debt. Debt was very real to Dickens, whose father, mother, and younger siblings had been forced into debtor’s prison. This affected Charles so much that hopeless, insurmountable debt became a powerful theme in his writings. Through the ghost of Jacob Marley he proclaimed that the business of all is “the common welfare…charity, mercy, forbearance, and benevolence.”
A little over 2,000 years ago a young boy declared that His life would be dedicated to His Father’s business. Jesus Christ had no debts of His own to pay. His selfless work extends to all relief from debt of every kind—from death, doubt, worry, mistakes, fear, and failure.
The gift of His life abounds today. It is felt in every smile offered, kind word spoken, and hand of friendship extended. This Christmas, discover, embrace, and share The Gift that was so generously given by Jesus Christ.
David R Peterson, Warwick Branch President, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints