Green belt should be protected for good

Cllr Michael Doody’s contention “That there is green belt and green belt” could be seen as a green light to developers that the green belt is up for grabs (KWN last week).

Whilst it is true that some green belt land is more accessible or more scenic that another piece it all prevents urban sprawl and helps to preserve the character of the three towns of Warwick, Leamington and Kenilworth and the Warwickshire countryside, all of which benefits from tourism. The trouble with allowing green belt development is that one could surmise that the minute plot X of green belt land is released for development then developers’ lawyers will start arguing that it sets a precedent and plot Y should therefore be released and it will gradually get nibbled away.

Warwick District Council has seen a lot of development over recent years and for it to have to accommodate another 8,250 homes seems non-sustainable. One should also remember that if the high speed train goes ahead great chunks of green belt will disappear under the tracks.

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To preserve the character of the three towns and the countryside, Warwick District Council should make the green belt permanent, something that future generations will thank us for in the same way we should be grateful to the post-war planners who conceived and implemented the green belt idea. - Richard Munday, Glasshouse Lane, Kenilworth.