I resigned from club committee

I read with dismay the letter from Mr Cowlard in last week’s Courier.

The suggestion that I was asked to leave the committee of Jackie Turpin ABC is not only untrue but also defamatory. I resigned from Jackie Turpin ABC on August 31 2013. Resignations from three other committee members followed. I still have my resignation email which I am happy to share with anyone who wishes to see it. At the time of making the complaint I was still the secretary and treasurer of Jackie Turpin ABC again another fact that can be easily proved.

I categorically deny ever making a complaint against Mr Cowlard. I was asked this exact question by the management of Jackie Turpin ABC on October 8 2013 and confirmed in writing that I had not filed any complaints against Mr Cowlard. Once again I am happy to share this correspondence. Jackie Turpin ABC was closed down and a new club (Warwick ABC) was opened around October 24 2013. I feel it important to say that I am one of Cllr Bromley’s constituents who voted her in. My complaint was upheld by a panel of her own peers and she was asked to apologise to and others - an outcome that I was happy to accept, however she has so far refused to apologise which is disappointing as not only does it continue to disrespect me but also her fellow councillors.

Lydia Turpin, Via email