Join hundreds for celebration

I wonder if you would be kind enough to print this letter this week, to allow me to invite your readers to come to “Praise in the Park” on Sunday May 19?

This is the third year that many of the churches of the town have come together to celebrate Pentecost, the birthday of the church. The event takes place in the Pump Room Gardens, starting at 11am. Anyone wanting to come will need to bring their own rug or chair. Last year around 1,200 people came together to worship and pray for the town, and we are expecting more to come this year.

If it rains, we will cram into All Saints’ Church and hold the service there instead. Included in the service will be prayer for the new streetpastors and foodbank initiatives.

Jonathan Jee, Coordinator of Praise in the Park, and Vicar of St Paul’s Leamington

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