No rationale for turning back on
Most people are not walking the streets after midnight during the week or after 1am at weekends. The few people who are out and about should take responsibility for their own safety and carry a small torch with them to light their way if they deem it necessary. Since statistics show that crime and accidents have fallen, why on earth is it thought necessary to reinstate street lighting? Where is the rationale?
In these days of scarce resources, any savings which are realised are especially welcome, so why not put them to a use which would benefit the majority of people? Moreover, presumably there would still be some cost to providing lighting at night, so that would reduce the value of the savings in any case. Another consideration is the need to cut CO2 emissions, even though they would be reduced with LED lights, energy would still be consumed unnecessarily.
Turning off the lights at night has been successful. Please leave it as it is.
Anne-Marie Insley, Range Meadow Close, Leamington