Rich get richer while we gain nothing

I just wonder what Lord Adonis would gain should HS2 be built.

Britain’s businesses will gain little in the making of it, as I was told at the Southam roadshow that the trains would be made in France Germany or Japan and I have since been told that a trip to China has been made and costings done.

The electricity will probably come from France, as does Eurostar’s, and as we have only a small steel industry the rails would be imported.We might get a look in with the signaling, otherwise it’s all the taxpayers’ money going out of Britain. I asked if they knew how many jobs would be lost along the route if it was built, as Southam could lose 650, the majority would from Codemasters. They do not know. I feel sure that a few rich investors will become richer, whilst we lose countryside, tranquility and communities across England for something that we will not gain anything from. - Name and address supplied.