Short term-ism at its worst
Despite its historic heritage we don’t expect the town to be preserved in a time warp nevertheless while it continues to expand and our access to open countryside by foot gets less a green lung such as the Common becomes even more important and must remain accessible to the public and not just to race-goers, golfers and caravans. The Common is part of Warwick’s historic heritage just as much as the Victorian Gardens on the Lammas land was, and the Lammas Resident Association and English Heritage fought a strong case to stop developers building 50 houses on it and restoring the original Victorian gardens.
Expansion of the golf course would involve destroying a medieval ridge and furrow which as I understand it would be contrary to planning policy. As the population continues to expand so does the demand for public open spaces and it is short term-ism at its worst to dispose of a valuable public asset.
Lynne R Williams, Eborall Close, Warwick