We had dozens of entries for our Spring Scenes photographic competition.We had dozens of entries for our Spring Scenes photographic competition.
We had dozens of entries for our Spring Scenes photographic competition.

Here are the winners of our Spring Scenes photographic competition

Thank you once again for all your photos - we received dozens of amazing images

We asked for your best photos of spring scenes from your garden - and you certainly rose to the challenge!

With lockdown restrictions well upon us when we launched the competition with Blythe Liggins solicitors in April, we decided that the photos had to be from your garden rather than local parks or the countryside.

We got dozens of entries and it took a long time to shortlist them down to 30, then to 20 and finally to ten!

The votes were tied for first place so we have taken the decision to make a joint winner and split the money.

The joint winners of competition, sponsored by Blythe Liggins solicitors, were:

Joint First: Josie Weller (daffodil) and Andy Paget (tulips)

Third: Josie Weller (butterlfy)

Josie and Andy will each get £75 (£100 and £50 from first and second places will be shared and split) and Josie will get a further £50 for also winning third place.

Here are the top three photos with the seven 'highly commended' photos that make up the top ten.

Thanks again for all your photos.

We got dozens of entries and it took a long time to shortlist them down to 30, then to 20 and finally to ten!